Mon-Thu 9am-4:30pm. Closed Fri.
Tuesdays 6:00-8:00pm
Sat: 4:00pm*, 7:15pm; Sun: 7:30am, 9:00am, 11:00am (* also by Livestream)
Mon-Thu: 7:30am; Fri: 9:00am
First Sat: 8:00am, Civic Holidays: 9:00am
The church is open from after morning Mass and Rosary until the afternoon. Visit our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament or spend some time of personal prayer in our church.
BENEFITS: Blessed Sacrament Church, St. Charles Borromeo Church, St. Mary Church, Convent of Mary Immaculate, Trumbull Food Pantry, St. Catherine of Siena Parishioners.
ITEMS REQUESTED: Tuna (canned & individual packets); Boxes of Pasta; Pasta Sauce; Beans of all varieties/colors (in cans & in both small and large bags); Rice (in both boxes & bags, small & large); Mac & Cheese; Peanut Butter & Jelly (small & large containers); Canned Spaghetti/Ravioli; Instant Mashed Potatoes; Fruit Cups; Cereal (regular & individual size); Oatmeal; Boxed Juice; Canned Soups; Pancake Mix; Coffee (Ground & instant). The use of reusable grocery store bags for donations is highly desired.
DONATE: Drive Through: Sat, Mar 8, 10am-12pm, & Sun, Mar 9, 11am-12pm, Church Hall. At All Masses on Mar 8 & 9, Church Lobby. Financial Donations Welcome: Checks payable to St. Catherine of Siena, write “Social Justice” in the memo line. Or Use Online Giving with the link on the Parish Website.
Coordinated by Knights of Columbus Council 5806
Scott Smaniotto,
Mass Times:
Saturday: 4pm & 7:15pm
Sunday: 7:30am, 9am & 11am
the 4pm Mass will be livestreamed
Come learn more about the meaning & message of the upcoming weekend’s readings. Deacon Patrick Toole leads an in-depth look at the readings for the coming weekend with explanation, prayer, & discussion. Study materials provided. FREE. No sign-up required. Wednesday evenings 6:30pm-8pm in the Church Hall
Saturday, March 29, 2025
If your child was not baptized as a baby, St. Catherine’s wants to help! St. Catherine’s is offering a Baptism Day event especially for parents or guardians with a child/ren age 1-7 who have not yet received the Sacrament of Baptism. Parents or guardians will gather for an informal presentation on the Sacrament; both parents must attend. Continental breakfast provided.
Cost: FREE. Reserve by Mar 14. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED
If your child is under the age of 1 or over the age of 7, if Godparents can’t attend, or if your family cannot provide Godparents, please call the Parish Office for info. We’ll be happy to help! You do not have to be a St. Catherine’s parishioner. Everyone is Welcome! Info:
Formation: Saturday, 9:00am-10:30am.
Baptism: Saturday at 11:15am FULL
Baptism: Saturday at 1:00pm FULL
Baptism: Sunday at 2:00pm FULL
Baptism: Sunday at 4:00pm, limited to the first 24 children.
All families will participate in the 9am Formation on Saturday.
Sunday, March 16, 9am Mass
Join us in celebrating fatherhood in honor of St. Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church and Foster Father to Jesus Christ. Fathers & sons will receive a special blessing during the 9am Mass on Mar 16.
Then! Come to the Family Center for some donuts and a short father-son game of basketball D-A-D (like H-O-R-S-E) or cornhole.
Fridays at 7:00pm during Lent
MAR 7, 14, 21, 28, APR 4, 11
(Good Friday, Apr 18 at 6:00pm).
Everyone is welcome.
In the Stations of the Cross, we accompany Jesus Christ from the tribunal of Pontius Pilate to his Cross and to his tomb. Generations of Catholics have found deeper meaning in Lent through the prayerful experience of the Stations of the Cross.
Also by Livestream
Wednesday, March 19, 7pm Mass
Join us for Mass to honor St. Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church
Zeppole to follow
Sunday, March 30, 9:00am Mass
Join us for Mass and a special celebration just for you, our St. Catherine’s athletes.
Athletes are invited to wear their team jersey, jacket or warm-up gear (church appropriate, please). Athletes will receive a blessing from Father Marcello.
Then, all are invited to the Family Center for refreshments and to shoot some hoops. Everyone is Welcome!
Sat at 4:00pm & 7:15pm
Sun at 7:30am, 9:00am, 11:00am
Monday - Thursday: 7:30am
Tuesday & Thursday (during Lent): 6:00pm
Friday: 9:00am
Saturday (during Lent): 8:00am
Civic Holidays: 9:00am
Tuesday from 6:30-9pm
Confession can sometimes seem daunting or difficult. There might be many reasons we can think of not to go. But regular Confession isn’t scary. It is life-changing and life giving. Anonymous & face-to-face confessions available.
April 4, 2025.
Adoration: 10am-3pm
Spend time with Christ in the Blessed Sacrament on the First Friday of each month.
A Message from our Bishop:
A Blessing and a Challenge
Our diocese is witnessing an extraordinary blessing—a remarkable surge in vocations. Over the past decade, our number of seminarians has more than doubled! After six priests ordained in 2023, we are thrilled to welcome 11 new seminarians this year, bringing our total to 33.
This blessing, however, comes with a challenge. Each seminarian’s education costs more than $60,000 per year, and we anticipate total formation costs will rise to $3 million per year within five years. Bishop Caggiano has announced a special campaign to fund these rising costs. Will you give to support our future priests?
Every Sunday at the 9am Family Mass
Our 9am Sunday Mass focuses on helping our youngest parishioners develop a love for & understanding of Christ, His Word, & the Mass.
Children ages 5-10 join friends in the Church Hall following the opening prayers. They work with a catechist to understand the readings at an age-appropriate level. This is a formal worship experience adapted to make it relevant to the lives and experiences of children. Children return to Mass for the Consecration.
Leah DeVito 203-906-5001
Do you know a high school student who loves to hang with friends, have fun, and enjoys a yummy treat too? Tell them about St. Catherine’s Youth Group! We meet every Sunday 6-8pm for fun, food, fellowship and faith.
Sundays 6-8pm
INFO: Mr. Kingsbury
St. Catherine's Social Justice Team was interviewed on Crossroads Magazine. Oct. 2022
Office of Radio and Television, Archdiocese of Hartford
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